- Layer:capa
- Hydrosphere: hidrosfera
- Atmosphere: atmósfera
- Geosphere: geosfera
- Crust: corteza
- Mantle: manto
- Core: núcleo
- Outer: exterior
- Inner: interior
- Uneven: desigual
- Continental crust: corteza terrestre
- Oceanic crust: corteza oceánica
- Relief: relieve
- Plain: llanura
- Bay: bahía
- Weathering: erosión
- Crack: grieta
- Hard: duro
- Marble: mármol
- Soft: blando
- Petroleum: petróleo
- Igneous rock: roca ígnea
- Sedimentary rock: roca sedimentaria
- Metamorphic rock: roca metamórfica
- Granite: granito
- Basalt: basalto
- Clay: arcilla
- Coal: carbón
- Remain: resto
- Heat: calor
- Pressure: presión
- Limestone: piedra caliza
- Slate: pizarra
- Fuel: combustible
- Petrol: gasolina
- Brick: ladrillo
- Tile: azulejo
- Magnifying glass: lupa
- Grain: gránulo
- Hardness: dureza
- Scratch: arañar
- Diamond: diamante
- Talc: talco
- Lustre: lustre
- Quartz: cuarzo
- Shape: forma
- Plateau: meseta
- Mountain Range: cordillera
- River basin: depresión
- Beyond: más allá
- Coast: costa
- Archipelago: archipiélago
- Gulf: golfo
- Cape: cabo
This is an edublog for all Primary kids who want to learn and practice English and Science.You'll find different links to different web pages and worksheets to practice everything we are learning at school (they are mainly for third and fourth graders). We'll have fun together.
miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2019
Social Science 4th - Unit 2 Rocks and Relief Vocabulary
martes, 1 de octubre de 2019
Natural Science 4th - Vocabulary Unit 1 Blood Circulation
- Nutrition : nutrición
- Energy: energía
- Digestion: digestión
- Nutrient: nutriente
- Carbohydrates: hidratos de carbono
- Fats: grasas
- Protein: proteína
- Vitamin: vitamina
- Mineral: mineral
- Breathe: respirar
- Blood: sangre
- Oxygen: oxígeno
- Waste substance: sustancia de desecho
- Respiration: respiración
- Circulation: circulación
- Excretion: excreción
- Respiratory system: aparato respiratorio
- Circulatory system: aparato circulatorio
- Excretory system: aparato excretor
- Digestive system: aparato digestivo
- Stomach: estómago
- Oesophagus: esófago
- Large intestine: intestino grueso
- Small intestine: intestino delgado
- Anus: ano
- Lungs: pulmones
- Trachea: tráquea
- Kidney: riñón
- Bladder: vejiga
- Heart: corazón
- Blood vessels: vasos sanguíneos
- Blood cell: célula sanguínea
- Tube: tubo
- Arteries: arterias
- Vein: vena
- Capillaries: capilares
- Pump: bombear
- Fist: puño
- Rib: costilla
- Sternum: esternón
- Spinal column: columna vertebral
- Thoracic cavity: cavidad torácica
- Pulse: pulso
- Heartbeat: latido
- Contract: contraer
- Relax: relajarse
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