
viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2012

Science 4th - Celia's project about political institutions in Spain

This is Celia's project. It's a great summary of unit 13. Hope you like it!!!

Science 4th - Isabel and Lydia's project: "The popcorn process"

Lydia and Isabel made this interesting powerpoint to explain how corn is turned into popcorn. Really interesting!!!

Science 4th - Andrea's project about economic sectors

This is Andrea's project. It was very good for revising the different economic activities.

Science 4th - Eva's Project: "The two Autonomous Communities of my home"

This is Eva's project for science. It's really interesting. Hope you enjoy it!!!

miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2012

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2012

lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2012

sábado, 8 de diciembre de 2012

Happy Xmas (War is over) - Robbie Williams

Start practicing!!!! This is the song for the Christmas show this year. On Monday I'll give you the lyrics so you can learn it. But now if you want to listen and read it at the same time click on the Santa below.
You also have a link where you can listen to the song and fill in the gaps the lyric. Enjoy it!!!


miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

English 3rd & 4th - Listening (Payphone - Maroon 5)

Today Willy (3rd A) ask me to add this song to the blog. I have choose the video from the web page "lyrics training" so you can also use the song as a listening activity. Have fun!!!!

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012

English 3rd - Short answers

This is a presentation in which you can learn about how to make short answers. There are two activities at the end of the presentation.

English 3rd - Short answers (Verb To Be)

This is a link to practice short answers using the verb "to be" (am - is - are)

         Ex. Are you a student? Yes, I am
                Is your father short? No, he isn't

jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2012

Halloween Day at School

He preparado esta presentación para que todos los papás y mamás podáis ver lo bien que lo pasamos el día de Halloween en el cole.
Gracias a los chicos de Disfruta y Aprende por hacernos pasar un día tan divertido. Estamos deseando que llegue St. Patrick's Day!!!

domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

Dragon News!!!!!

Now you can watch the video of the news about the dragon. It's in youtube!!!! Show your parents if they don't believe you.

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012

For Julen (3rd A)

Julen, I know you like origami, here you can learn how to make a mummy!!! Click on the photo for the instructions.
All children can do this activity, bring it to class so I can see it!!!!

Children of 4th A and B will do this activity on Wednesday in class.

The dragon laid her eggs!!!!!

The dragon finally laid the eggs in the school. This is a picture of them. We'll have to wait to see what happens....

miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012


Today we've seen a video in the class of English about a dragon which have been flying over the school.
You have to pay attention to any clues you can find: footprints, eggs... anything different you find in the school!!!
Tell your teacher if you find something.

martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Falcor, a very good dragon

Some of you were scared when I told you about the dragon flying over our school. This is a video in which you can see a very good dragon. His name is Falcor and it appears in the film "The Neverending Story" (La Historia Interminable). It's a very good film for you to see.

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012

lunes, 6 de agosto de 2012

Science Projects 3rd & 4th grade

Aquí os dejo una presentación con algunos de los proyectos que habéis hecho en el tercer trimestre, no están todos ya que no tengo foto de todos ellos. De los últimos no recuerdo los nombres de quienes lo hicieron, mandadme un correo y me decís los nombres y los incluiré.
El curso que viene prometo poner foto de todos. Besos  y seguid disfrutando de vuestras vacaciones.

sábado, 7 de julio de 2012

English 4th - Listening "let it rain over me"

In this link you have the song by Marc Anthony and Pitbull "let it rain over me". What you have to do is to fill in the gaps, just the way we did it in class but now you are going to do it in the computer. Choose the beginner mode because it's the easiest one for you. Hope you like it.
3rd Grade students can try it too, but maybe it's a bit difficult for you.

miércoles, 4 de julio de 2012

English 4th Grade - Listening activity

You can practice listening doing this activity. You have to listen to the story and fill in the gaps with the words of the table. You can do it!!!!

English 3rd Grade - Listening activity

This is an activity to practice listening. What you have to do is to listen to the story and fill in the gaps using the words of the table. Let's see how you do it!!!!!

martes, 3 de julio de 2012

Amaral - El Universo sobre mí

Bueno, esto no tiene nada que ver con Inglés o Science pero a Marta de 4ºB le gusta, así que como es verano y no sólo hay que trabajar os la pongo para que la disfrutéis.
Besos Marta

domingo, 1 de julio de 2012


Hi, everybody. I have created this blog for my kids of grade 3rd and 4th. But all Primary kids are welcome.
In here you're going to find different links and worksheets.
The first ones are going to be links and worksheets for you to review what you  have studied along this year in English and science.
In September I will start creating links for reviewing the contents of English and Science you're going to study in the school year 2012/13.

martes, 26 de junio de 2012


Bueno, por fin vacaciones. Se acabó el curso y ahora toca descansar y disfrutar mucho pero no os olvidéis de repasar también un poquito todo lo que habéis ido aprendiendo durante el curso.
Voy a seguir publicando actividades, enlaces, videos... durante todo el verano, así que seguid atent@s. Podéis utilizar los comentarios para pedirme alguna cosa sobre la que queráis repasar y yo prometo poner alguna cosilla interesante para que podáis hacerlo.
Muchos besos para tod@s mis chic@s de 3º A y 4º B. No os olvidéis de pasarlo bien este verano es MUY IMPORTANTE os lo tenéis bien merecido.


lunes, 25 de junio de 2012

Para mis chicos de 4º B - Espero que ahora sí

Me han dicho que no os gustó mucho la canción que os dediqué. Y un pajarito me ha aconsejado que os ponga ésta. Ya me contaréis. Como la canción es en español os la dedico en español.


jueves, 21 de junio de 2012

For my boys of 4th B

And this one is for all my boys of 4th B: Diego, Samuel, Rai, André, Sergio, Arturo, Mario, Jordan and Albero. We didn't have time to do this song so now you can listen to it with the lyrics. Have fun!!!