
jueves, 22 de febrero de 2018

Natural Science 4th - Vocabulary Unit 5 Invertebrates

  1. Silk: seda
  2. Silkworm: gusano de seda
  3. Thread: hilo
  4. Fabric: tejido
  5. Cnidarian: cnidario
  6. Sponge: esponja
  7. Worm: gusano
  8. Mollusc: molusco
  9. Attached: unido / pegado
  10. To filter: filtrar
  11. Seawater: agua del mar
  12. Jellyfish: medusa
  13. Jelly-like bodies: cuerpo gelatinoso
  14.  Poisonous tentacles: tentáculos venenosos
  15. Echinoderms: equinodermos
  16. mussels: mejillones
  17. Clams: almejas
  18. Squids: calamares
  19. Larvae: larvas
  20. Bivalves: bivalvos 
  21. oysters: ostras
  22. Slugs: babosas
  23. Spiral shell: concha en espiral
  24. Cuttlefish: sepia
  25. Suction caps: ventosas
  26. Hard plate: coraza
  27. Spines: espinas
  28. starfish: estrellas de mar
  29. Sea urchins: erizos de mar
  30. Seabed: fondo marino
  31. Arthropods: artrópodos
  32. exoskeleton: exoesqueleto
  33. Armour: armadura
  34. Crustacean: crustáceo
  35. Myriapods: miriápodos
  36. Arachnid: arácnido
  37. Antennae: antenas
  38. Wing: ala
  39. Thorax: tórax
  40. Sense organ: órgano de los sentidos
  41. Abdomen: abdomen
  42. Caterpillar: oruga
  43. Chrysalis: crisálida
  44. Web: telaraña
  45. Scorpion: escorpión
  46. Shrimp:gamba
  47. Prawn: langostino
  48. Woodlice: cochinillas
  49. Centipede: ciempiés

English 4th - Future with "will"

This is an online activity to practise future with "will"

English 4th - Future with "will" Games

These are two games to practise future with "will" from British Council.

lunes, 12 de febrero de 2018

Social Science 4th - Vocabulary Unit 5 Landscapes

  1. Landscape: paisaje
  2. Natural elements: elementos naturales
  3. Man-made elements: elementos creados por el hombre (artificiales)
  4. Shape: forma
  5. Relief: relieve
  6. Features: rasgos
  7. Plain: llanura
  8. Natural resources: recursos naturales
  9. Wood: madera
  10. Dig: cavar/excavar
  11. Well: pozo
  12. Dam: presa
  13. To chop down: talar
  14. Farming: agricultura
  15. Industry: industria
  16. To damage: dañar
  17. To deteriorate: deteriorar
  18. Deforestation: deforestación
  19. Pollution: contaminación
  20. Excessive construction: construcción excesiva
  21. Law: ley
  22. Government: gobierno
  23. Water purification system: sistema de purificación de agua, depuradora
  24. Natural reserves: reservas naturales
  25. National parks: parques nacionales
  26. Inland landscape: paisaje de interior
  27. Low land: tierras bajas
  28. Lagoon: laguna
  29. Poplar tree: chopo
  30. Reeds: juncos
  31. Holm oak: encina
  32. Juniper tree: enebro
  33. Cliff: acantilado
  34. Drought: sequía
  35. Mild: suave
  36. Seabed: fondo marino
  37. Grouper fish: mero
  38. Oak: roble
  39. Beech: haya
  40. Pine tree: pino
  41. Isolated: aislado
  42. Peak: pico
  43. Slope: falda / ladera
  44. Terrace: bancal

martes, 6 de febrero de 2018

English 4th - Have to/ has to / had to

This is an online activity to practise have to.

Social Science 3rd & 6th - Europe capitals

Another game from seterra to practice capitals

Another game from http://mapasinteractivos.didactalia.net/

Social Science 3rd & 6th - Europe

These are some interesting games from sheppardsofware.com

This is a game to practice the names in English

Another game to drag each country to the correct position in the map

Another game from seterra

Social Science 3rd & 6th - Europe

This is a game from juegos-geograficos.com to practice Europe countries

Another game from online.seterra.net