
martes, 29 de enero de 2019

Natural Science 5th - Ecosystems

This is a video to revise what you've learnt about ecosystems. It's in Spanish but I think it has a clear explanation.

Interesting information about ecosystems:

miércoles, 23 de enero de 2019

Natural Science 3rd & 4th - Vertebrate animals video

This is a very interesting video about vertebrates with very beautiful pictures of different animals.

Natural Science 3rd & 4th - Classifying animals

Watch this interesting video from Brainpop to  learn how to classify animals


Natural Science 3rd & 4th - Frog life cycle

This is a link to learn about the frog life cycle. First you have a video with the explanation and then three games. Hope you like it!!!

Natural Science 4th - Vertebrate animals

This is a game from http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/ in which you can revise the characteristics of the five groups of vertebrates we've studied.

miércoles, 9 de enero de 2019

Science 4th - Pompeii

This is a very beautiful video in which you can see the remains of Pompeii. You can see the street, houses, pictures, mosaics, temples.... It lasts almost three minutes.

Social Science 3rd & 4th -Stone Age fun facts

This  is a link to dkfindout with a lot of fun facts about Stone Age

Another link from the bbc.co.uk to find out about Roman people


Another link from dkfindout about Medieval castles


English 4th & 5th - Vocabulary about food

These are two activities you can use to revise the vocabulary about food.

martes, 8 de enero de 2019

English 4th & 5th - Comparative activities

These are some activities to practise comparative and superlative form.

comparative 1   Comparative 2

English 4th & 5th - Superlative

Two links to practice superlative. The last one has activities of comparative and superlative

Superlative 1     Superlative 2     

Comparative and superlative

English 4th & 5th - Using adjectives to compare.

Here there is a video for reviewing comparative and superlative. It's a good video for both 3rd and 4th grade students.

English 4th & 5th - Comparative and Superlative Games

Some games to practice comparative and superlatives from the British Council

Another game from eslgamesplus.com